Monday, February 25, 2013


We have heard the phrase "sex sells"
Judging by the revenue it generates no one can argue with that
But when did we forget to care?

If I don't curse, cuss, take my clothes off, or do lewd acts you say I won't attract
If I perm my hair, go natural, wear makeup or simply pull my hair back you say I have lost my edge

You say be yourself but that's not what you mean
But since no gun was put to my head to do such things
You would be correct to say things are as they seem

You say you want men but you promote boys
You say you are a fan of art but all we hear is noise
I don't plan on seeing your backside when I'm pumping gas
I'm not interested in seeing how far you will go for a little extra cash.

The world doesn't need more
It needs you to get off the floor
And give them something to hope for

A Standard