Thursday, February 28, 2013

In a store near you

For a couple of months I have been writing a book. It is about the life of a working wife and mother. Ironically, her biggest challenge is not that she's a wife and mother but her biggest challenge is learning how to deal with the uprising she receives once people learn she is a member of a controversial mega church. Everywhere she go people attack her because she is a member of the controversial church. The book is uplifting, romantic, comical and a must read. Coming soon.....

Your Today

You could have a million bad days but one good day always seem to overshadow those days
Same concept applies to your mate
Every day may not be the best but the best always come to those who are willing to endure and wait

We are all here because of one good day
Enjoy it. Live in it. Thank God for it. Be strong enough to stay.

Never again say you don't think you have anything left.
There is always something or someone to live for... Yourself

Priceless Moments in Communication

My fellow bloggers:

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? I have been on both ends of the communication spectrum. I have been on the receiving end and I have been on sending end. For example, one day while I was working an employee approached my desk and said, "Congratulations, I did not know your were pregnant!." To my dismay, neither did I. When I told her I was not pregnant she immediately apologized and has been going out of her way to speak to me ever since. Perhaps I felt worse because I was in the process of ordering a cheeseburger, some french fries, and a hot apple pie on the side. Naturally, the menu was set aside and I opted for a salad.
I searched the internet for other stores such as my own and I discovered the following:

A woman standing in front of the mirror said to her husband:

- "Oh my love, I'm so fat and so ugly. I really need to hear a nice compliment."

And her husband promptly said:

- "You have such a good vision…"

Please feel free to share your embarrassing communication moments!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I love you don't get me wrong
I just don't want to keep being the product of another sad song

The bank statements tell me what is important to you
I just want us to get to a place where finances is not an issue

I love your spontaneity and your ideas
But I need for us to agree when it comes to disciplining the kids and paying the bills

The last thing I want to do is leave
But what am I to do with dwindling security
We are supposed to be one. Think of us.
Love me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I can't say I call you my friend because I can't depend on you to contend on my behalf
I can't trust you to speak truth but rather things you think I want to hear: fantasy and no proof
When we are together what do people see I wonder
Do they see success or blunder
If you represent me and I represent you somebody is in trouble

Guess who?

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Song

Just listened to the radio
Surely if some of those songs can make it, my song can too. Here goes:

Driving down the street talking on the phone
I look to the left to see the hot sign on.

I know I don't need it
But I simply must retrieve it
The warm brown circles I gotta have them heated

Krispy Krispy Krispy Kreme

How you have me salivating
Beeping my horn and suddenly braking
They not in my hands but I'm already tasting
Get your own dozen cuz you know I'm not sharing


Krispy Krispy Krispy Kreme

I love that sugar
I love the sign
That so easily redirects my mind
Who cares who was on the phone

Krispy Krispy Krispy Kreme

Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol ha ha ha


We have heard the phrase "sex sells"
Judging by the revenue it generates no one can argue with that
But when did we forget to care?

If I don't curse, cuss, take my clothes off, or do lewd acts you say I won't attract
If I perm my hair, go natural, wear makeup or simply pull my hair back you say I have lost my edge

You say be yourself but that's not what you mean
But since no gun was put to my head to do such things
You would be correct to say things are as they seem

You say you want men but you promote boys
You say you are a fan of art but all we hear is noise
I don't plan on seeing your backside when I'm pumping gas
I'm not interested in seeing how far you will go for a little extra cash.

The world doesn't need more
It needs you to get off the floor
And give them something to hope for

A Standard


My heart could hurt and yet sell a million records
Is it because people love to see you sad
Or do they simply not understand my methods

 I'm crying out for love while you are telling the DJ to turn it up in the club
My pain is also my reward
Injuries I wish could wash away in the bath tub

I want out but the dollar signs pulls me back in
Not loving myself has been my greatest sin

Keep it on, take it off I don't even know the difference anymore
But I guess that's okay if I sell out in the record stores
I don't want to do this anymore



In every situation closure must be achieved.
For it is only then can you be happy with what you need.
When there is closure you are free to see what your heart truly believes

A business deal is not complete with loose ends
A relationship cannot be profitable if a friendship never began

No sense in asking for new opportunities because you can't go to second base without passing first
Closure must be achieved in every situation, even if it hurts

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Still celebrating

It is February 23rd and I am still celebrating my birthday!!!!!! God is good. I love to eat.

Dare Me

Do I dare to be open like a book and run the risk of rejection or worse
Do I dare to be open like a book and run the risk of acceptance.

I could blast my experience and call it a testimony
I could pretend like that part of my life were a mere moment

But I'd be lying

The truth is some things really take time like
Love, patience, healing, and success

So do I dare to be open like a book
Yes. If it saves you in the process.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The big 2....8...

I'm so excited.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Post Birthday

It's the day before my birthday!!!!!!!!!

I'm thanking God in advance

For another chance

To fulfill his plans.

Happy birthday to me.

Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!

Destiny yet awaits...

Thursday, February 7, 2013


You can be quiet and very verbal
You can walk and still jump through hurdles
Those are the people to look out for.

They are the ones who say it, without saying it.
The ones who don't need to leave hints.
They may not win beauty pageants
but they don't need too because everyone has their eye on them

Not because of their looks, style or even intellect but rather they have a quality you rarely see today: genuineness.

Life: Get One

Why can't people be themselves?
If you don't like someone or something why follow them?
Why become a fan?
Stop doing things just because you can.

Commenting on pictures
Giving compliments you know you don't mean

Why go through such extreme?
Why bother making yourself cozy?

Because The truth is you never wanted to be my friend
You just wanted to be nosy.


I have always had a job.
Always held a since of security, at least financially anyway.
I had my pay periods mapped out.
Scheduled events based on those periods.
But even then there was something missing.

You go to work everyday.
You get paid on Friday.
And yet there is still no fulfillment.

I know how to work...I mastered that.
I know how to go to school... I mastered that.

But with the textbook readings, the conferences and meetings
There was something else I needed.

It wasn't until recently I discovered what I needed the most was me?

Take time out to see, learn, develop who you are and you will soon learn
Your plans or ideals of success are far off.

Allow God to speak to you and through you.

We know when payday is.
Now lets find out his will.


What does your life mean to you?
What does your life means to others?

Does it matter what we think of one another?
Or should we continue to cover
Up the words we want to say before the paralyzed tongue discover

The real reason you are the way you are is because: well, not even you know.

Can He?

When God gives any man wealth and possessions and enables him to enjoy them; to accept his lot and be happy in his work--this is the gift of God.

It coincides with the scripture wealth and riches are in my house. If God is concerned about riches in your house, is he not any more concerned with your decision regarding a spouse?

Yes it is true you have a choice.
But do not neglect the signs God gives you that cause you to question and ponder.
God is still a God of miracles, signs, and wonders.

God wants the best for you and your best may not be the best as far as HE can see
But if you apply the principles in his Word then they will be.

Everyone has a desire for a mate, whether long-term or short-term
The question is: will you wait patiently enough for The Lord to confirm?

Every good and perfect gift is from The Lord
This includes the option to choose
It is really quite simple: you choose if you will loose.


What do you want to drink? Coke, lemonade, tea?
A Coke would be fine.
That sounds good. Do you want ice?
Cubed please.

Here you are.
She sits down two jars of water.
Umm. Are you out of coke?
No. I don't have coke.
Then why did you ask?
I asked what you wanted. I never said I had it. Drink up.