Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Eye Opener

Does the way I dress offend you?
Do I intimidate you because of my tattoos?

I see your looks and I hear you talk about me
Trying to make me feel ashamed, trying to rid me of my dignity

I would be lying if I said that words do not hurt
But it is a double jeopardy when these words come out of the mouths of people from the church

God did not condemn you when you got off track
And yet you seem to carry my sins on your back

You may have your degrees and money in the bank
But the Lord says that HE does not have a respect of persons, so who are you to tell me I can’t

I love the Lord just like you
And you cannot hide behind your doctrines because I know the truth

I may not know but one scripture but I know how to operate it in my life
And as I continue to read and meditate in the Word
You will see my darkness transform into that marvelous light

What happened to brotherly love and covering each other’s sins?
Help me to guard my heart and renew my mind, teach me to control the thoughts in my head
Stop judging me and covering my legs
I need to know how to be blessed

Oh! How we forget?
How people were standing in the gap praying for you
Fasting to see you through
It has not been that long ago that like just like me…
You were a sinner too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Infinity snaps of the fingers on this!! It's sad how some church people judge you more than world. That is why some people stray away from the church...because of the people in church who constantly turn up there noses if someone is different than them via dress, lifestyle, etc. We as Christians are suppose to love, help, and embrace newcomers to the church and let them know I was once a sinner just like, but look at the glorious things God have done for me. But as long as you make Jesus the Lord of life and know that He never leave or forsake you..the rest is up to you. Because I know if it wasn't for genuine Christians and the Lord...I would still be out there in the world doing who knows what!!

    1. I absolutely agree. I think people turn up there noses because they don't understand different. People have put Christianity in a box. I think they forget Christianity is suppose to mean love, which is pretty much who God is. We represent least some of us. Thank you so much for commenting.
